Florida Entomological Society
Executive Committee Meeting
April 20, 2000
USDA, CMAVE, Gainesville, FL
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> April 2000 Minutes
Executive Committee Members
in Attendance: Lance Peterson, John Sivinski, Pat Greany, Julie
Stavisky, Nancy Epsky, Marco Toapanta, John Capinera, Richard Mankin, and
Teresa DuChene.
Committee Chairs and FES Members
in Attendance: Robert Meagher, Lois Wood, Jeff Shapiro, Howard Frank,
and Tom Walker.
President's Opening Remarks: The meeting was called to order
at 1:00 p.m. on April 20, 2000, by President Peterson.
Secretary (John Petti):
Marco and Lois filled in for John who could not attend the meeting. Minutes
from the December 9th Executive Committee Meeting were reviewed
and accepted by unanimous vote.
Business Manager (Teresa
DuChene): Teresa presented a Financial Report for the period to March
31, 2000. John Capinera moved to accept the report, Rob Meagher seconded,
and the vote was unanimous in favor.
•After making numerous attempts,
E. O. Painter Printing failed to collect page charges from two authors
and has deducted the $1,165 balance from FES/Painter account. Teresa would
like the Board's help in recovering the funds from the authors.
•Teresa received requests from
John Anderson and Lance Peterson for Emeritus status. John Sivinski motioned
to approve the request, John Capinera seconded, and the motion was approved
•A request for an exchange agreement
between a Columbian publication, Revista Cenicafe, and the Florida
Entomologist was received. Howard Frank pointed out that the exchange
could benefit the Society by increasing our exposure in Columbia but questioned
its relevance. President Peterson suggested obtaining a sample of the publication
for review to determine if and how we might benefit before making a decision.
•Teresa pointed out that at
least three companies were deleted from exchange subscription membership
due to our current policy. As a result, the Florida Entomologist
is no longer listed in their databases so we may need to review our policy
on exchange subscriptions to include these types of organizations.
Local Arrangements (John
Capinera): John introduced a couple issues to be resolved before the
annual meeting.
•Poster boards capable of holding
two 4' X 8' posters will cost $65.00 each. The Board decided to limit poster
size to 4' X 4' so each stand will accommodate four posters. In addition
to announcing this in the FES Newsletter and Website, Pat Greany is to
inform authors submitting posters of the size restriction.
•A company is interested in
having a 10' X 10' product display at the hotel. After much discussion,
it was decided unanimously to permit this provided the company pay a $350.00
fee which would include registration and a banquet ticket for one person.
One additional person would be allowed to attend for the price of a banquet
ticket. Additional persons would have to pay the standard registration
fee. Any additional hotel charges would have to be paid by the company.
•The hotel requires a head count
seventy-two hours in advance because the meal is sit-down. The final count
can not be accurately determined without knowing the number of on-site
registrants and the Society would end up paying for meals if the number
is over estimated. Lance suggested making a conservative guess that would
preclude this from happening and encouraging members to pre-register to
avoid being excluding from the banquet. Members are to be made aware of
this possibility by announcements of the limited seating in the Newsletter,
pre-registration form, and FES and ENSO Websites. Nancy Epsky suggested
allowing members to pre-register but pay on-site.
Program (Pat Greany):
Pat announced a submission deadline of May 31st.
•Topics for symposia are finalized
and include Behavioral Ecology, Mosquito-borne Diseases, and Protected
Crops. There will also be a Spanish papers session.
•Pat moved to waive the registration
fee for non-FES invited symposium speakers, pointing out that we should
be grateful for them taking the time to prepare for and present their talks.
John Sivinsky seconded and the motion was carried.
•North Hutchinson Island is
being considered as a possible location for the 2001 Annual Meeting. Since
it is close to Fort Pierce, we might benefit from increased attendance
by personnel at the new USDA lab and UF experiment station located there
and tours of these facilities could be arranged. More information will
be available at the next meeting.
Public Relations (Nancy
Epsky): Notices for the annual meeting have been sent to the ESA Newsletter
and to the Agriculture Network Information Center's Agricultural Conferences,
Meetings, and Seminars Calander (www.agnic.org/mtg).
Newsletter (Lois Wood
and Nancy Epsky): Lois provided copied of the FES Newsletter schedule
of publication and items to be included in each of the four issues.
•The actual publication dates
of recent issues have deviated from the schedule because some vital information
has been submitted late. Lois asked that persons required to submit information
to the Newsletter do so in a timely fashion that will facilitate its timely
publication in the future.
Honors and Awards (Greg
Nuessly): Lois announced Greg Nuessly (not present) as new Chairman
of the Honors and Awards Committee and reported that she had placed a call
for award nominations in the Newsletter on his behalf.
Caribbean Directory (Howard Frank):
Howard reported that the Venezuelan Entomological Society had approached
him for ideas to help boost their subscriptions. Working with Howard and
Marco Toapanta, Julie Stavisky presented ideas for reciprocal Web advertisements
with links to give both Societies more exposure. Howard motioned for approval
to contact the VES Webmaster to establish a mutual agreement, John Sivinski
seconded, and vote was unanimous in favor.
Computer Resources / Long-Range
Planning / Webmaster (Richard Mankin): Richard reports that the committee
has spent the first quarter of 2000 focusing on the problems of declining
membership and the slow progress of merging the business manager and Website
•Membership trends and informal
polling of member and non-member entomologists suggest that the Society
is suffering from competition with other scientific organizations. The
Long-Range Planning Committee believes the only way to reverse the trend
is for the Society to develop a more compelling benefits package. In particular,
they suggest an increased focus on communication and linkages with our
Caribbean and South American neighbors.
•Richard reports that it may
not be possible to complete the merging of the business manager and Website
databases unless we change to a new service provider. The Committee recommends
that we continue the present relationship because the greatest use of the
Website is for journal searches and not for accessing the membership database.
Publications (Tom
Walker): Tom provided a detailed report on e-publication of the Florida
•Making all articles in the Florida Entomologist immediately and
freely accessible has had little effect on revenue from library subscriptions.
In fact, FES's income from library subscriptions in 1999 was 5.8% higher
than in 1994 after adjusting for inflation.
•Subscription revenues are expected
to eventually decline due to free Web access to
Florida Entomologist
articles. Tom investigated the possibility of charging authors the equivalent
cost of 100 reprints in exchange for immediate posting on PubMed Central
as a potential means to recover the expected lost revenue. Posting some
articles in an issue, while not posting others, will require approval of
the PMC Advisory Committee. Tom submitted and the PMC Advisory Board is
considering a proposal for posting partial issues. The proposal is expected
to be approved, provided the remaining articles in the issue are posted
on PMC within two years.
•Tom is about one month away
from determining the cost of making the articles suitable (conversion to
HTML format) for posting on PMC.
•Pat Greany expressed concern
on behalf of Dick Baranowski in regard to extra work involved in e-publication
of the Florida Entomologist on PMC. Tom assured the Board that the
only extra work involved would be a result of more authors wishing to publish
in the Journal.
•John Sivinski asked for the
Board's approval to produce a dummy issue of the Florida Entomologist
exhibiting the proposed format changes. He informed the Board that according
to E. O. Painter, page and figure charges would increase from $45.00 to
$54.00 and $20.00 to $24.00, respectively. The 20% increases in cost to
authors would be generally offset by the 20% increase in page size.
•The issue of what should appear
on the cover was revisited. The general consensus was to have a color photograph
on the cover, preferably one from an article in that issue. To avoid the
potential problem of there not being suitable artwork available from the
articles in a particular issue, Lance suggested having a photo contest
at annual meetings and using one of four winning photos on each of the
four annual issues. From a Webpage perspective, Richard Mankin added that
a color photograph cover would jazz up the Journal's presence on the Internet.
•President Peterson read a letter
voicing one member's opposition to the format changes and stated that he
would like to see a sample issue with the proposed format changes and a
color photograph on the cover and added that, if possible, would like to
have it available for members to inspect at the annual meeting.
Nominations (John
Sivinski) John announced nominations for the 2000 ballot.
Rob Meagher and Ken Bloem agreed to run for the position of Member-At-Large.
•Stephanie Bloem will run unopposed
for the position of Secretary.
•There are several potential
candidates being considered for the position of Vice-President. Final candidates
will be selected in time for the ballot to appear in the next Newsletter.
Next Meeting of the Executive
Committee will be at the 1999-2000 Annual Business Meeting in Naples.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Submitted by: John Petti, Secretary
July 9, 2000
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09/22/00 Richard