Please print, complete and return this form for the

Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Summer Workshop For Teachers

Stephen Lapointe
USDA-ARS, U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory
2001 South Rock Road
Ft. Pierce, FL   34945
tel. (772) 462-5914; fax 462-5986

1. Your Name _________________________________________________________________________

2. Email address _______________________________________________________________________

3. School name ________________________________________________________________________

4. School address ______________________________________________________________________

5. Grade(s) taught __________

6. Order of preference of workshops to attend (1- most, 6-least)

___   1. Project Food, Land & People: educational resources and approaches to learning that help educators and students in grades PreK-12 to understand relationships between agriculture, environment, and people. Participants will learn to use FLP curricula to meet Sunshine State Standards through hands-on activities.

___   2. Using mud dauber wasp nests for teaching ecological concepts.

___   3. WOWBugs!  These insects bring to life science instruction a winning combination of fascinating life history and behavior few students have ever seen, coupled with excellent and comprehensive educational materials.

___   4. Using an important regional insect pest, the Diaprepes root weevil, as a core project used to teach biology, social studies, language arts, math, and science.

___   5. Demonstration of a free CD containing a basic entomology curriculum now under development by St. Lucie County Extension and the University of Florida.

___   6. Curricula developed to comply with Sunshine State standards in 7 sections: Introduction to Insects; Arthropods; Insect Bodies; Growth & Development; Classification & Identification; Insects & the Environment; Insects & Humans.