Jupiter Beach Resort and Spa
Jupiter, Florida
Reservations ($139/night) can be made at
(http://www.jupiterbeachresort.com using the group code FLENTO0721) (866-943-0950)
Please note: Symposia/workshop organizers are expected to arrange for speakers and moderate
their sessions. Speakers should be requested to provide their details
(addresses, etc.), title of presentation, and abstract in BOTH English and Spanish. Symposium
Chairs will organize and send a finished file of abstracts, etc. to Program
Chair. The Program Committee will assist organizers
with equipment needs (projectors, laptops, etc.). However, it is preferable if the organizers
arrange for their own equipment needs.
Exhibitors/Vendors are
welcome, and for a fee can set up a booth for all 3 days of the meeting. Two
lunch tickets are included.
Chair can be contacted at:
Clark Lovelady
7145 58th Ave.
Vero Beach, FL 32967
Phone: (772) 794-7116
Fax: (772) 567-5229
E-mail: clark.lovelady@syngenta.com