1. Frank Mead receives Certificate of Appreciation from Steve Lapointe |
2. John Sivinski receives FES Annual Award for Research from Steve Lapointe |
3. Paul Hornby receives FES Annual Award for Regulatory Entomology from Steve Lapointe |
4. Past-Presidents assemble to escort incoming President, Steve Lapointe |
5. Richard Mankin, receives Outgoing President award from incoming President, Steve Lapointe |
6. Student winners of FES 2004 $100 minigrants: (front, left to right) Katie Barbara, Crystal Kelts, Rebecca Baldwyn, Jay Cee Turner (back, left to right) Rui Pereira, Elena Rhodes, Mirian Hay Roe, Justin Saunders |
7. Student Wiinners of FES 2004 $500 scholarships, Rui Periera, Matt Aubuchon, and Katie Barbara with Marco Toapanta, Student Activities chair |
8. 2003-04 FES President, Richard Mankin, addresses the audience |
9. Bill Kern receives the FES award for Extension Entomology from 2004-05 President, Steve Lapointe |
10. Winners of the FES 2004 MS-level student paper
contest (left to right):
Linda NcHerne (3rd), Daniel Frank (2nd), Scott Weihman (1st)