Highlands Tiger beetle

This tiger beetle occurs only in Highlands and Polk counties in the central region of Florida.  It lives in sparsely vegetated scrub consisting of palmetto, rosemary, and scrub oak (see below).  Both the adults and immature stages are predacious and feed on other insects.  Populations of this beautiful beetle are small and scattered.  The destruction of habitat has caused this species to be considered for "Endangered species" status.  Researchers for The Nature Conservancy have documented populations in both counties.  (Photo by Paul Choate)



Highlands Tiger beetle:   Cicindela highlandensis Choate (Family: Cicindelidae)

Habitat: Sandy scrub

Florida range: Highlands and Polk counties in central Florida

Occurrence:  Uncommon with scattered populations

Links for more information:  http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/misc/tiger/TBEETLE3.htm,  http://www.floridabookstore.com/products/books/b-5282.html



Sandy scrub in central Florida



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