7/20/99 Note from Michael Thomas
on Ross Arnett
7/5/99 A web page has been established to list employment
opportunities! Check it out by clicking the JOBS
button at the left of the screen.
12/2/98 The Florida Entomological Society is
now officially a nonprofit organization. Your donations are deductible!
You can make unrestricted donations, or donate to specific worthy causes
like student travel or awards. Contact Teresa DuChene, business manager,
for further details.
Florida Entomological Society
P.O. Box 1007
Lutz, Florida 33548-1007
12/2/98 New MEETING SITE-- Due to
renovations at the Caribe Hilton, the 1999 Annual meeting will be held
at the Condado Plaza Hotel.
Further details will be available later.
6/3/98 The Venezuelan Entomological Bulletin website
now has a beta version of a search engine (buscador)
covering issues since 1986
6/3/98 The Florida Entomologist has upgraded its search
6/3/98 Program
for the 1998 Annual Meeting at Sanibel
5/11/98 Photoproducts and Metabolites of a Common
Insect Growth Regulator Produce Developmental Deformities in Xenopus [Not
methoprene, but its degradates]
8/02/99 http://www.flaentsoc.org/hottopicarchives.htm
for information, corrections, contact:
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