Florida Entomological Society

Executive Committee Meeting

July 28, 2002

Salons A & B

Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida

Meeting called to order at 4:07 pm.


Katie Barbara, Eileen Buss, John Capinera, Teresa DuChene, Howard Frank, Steve Lapointe, Richard Mankin, Rob Meagher, Faith M. Oi, Jeff Shapiro, Cynthia Tucker, Lois Wood, Lewis Wright

Business Manager Report (Teresa DuChene) - written report on file

Financial report is current through July 26, 2002; bank balance is high because many members have prepaid for the meeting; Morgan Stanley (retained earnings) $82,488.55, Bank of America (day to day activity) $20,822.44 for total assets of $103,310.99.

Annual meeting pre-registration counts are lower this year compared to prior years. Historically we have 90 attendees for pre-registration, this year 41 full members and 19 student members. Hopefully Monday will bring more registrations as it could be the turning point for this year's meeting.

Hilton has provided a pre-estimate for the cost of breaks and social functions, however lodging accommodations are not included. As an example, a cost comparison from the last three meetings was presented. To cover our projected cost we need to have at least 100 full members attending. At this point, we are only about half way to our break-even point. However, the Society is financially sound and can cover any additional costs. In the past, we have booked between 140 and 160 tickets for the banquet. This year, since the pre-registration numbers were low, we only booked 100. The student lunch was cut to 25 tickets and the workshop was cut to 15 participants.

Abe White has notified us that he is resigning as Caribbean Conference Chair.

Last month we received a letter from Full Circle Service regarding an uncashed government check. This company tracks lost of unclaimed funds and charges a percentage of the funds recovered. Records show we have no uncashed government check. Teresa called the Florida Banking division in July and there was no record of a check, but the representative suggested that we call again in a month or so. Teresa will continue to located this check to save the recovery fee. Teresa believes that this check is from the Exchange Division with the UF Library, Gainesville. We have a working relationship with them where we give them a reduced rate on journals. They had a change in staff and we received a check for $1,100. We were asked to hold the check because they wanted to order more journals, and the accounting division was unsure whether to void the check or reissue another check.

Teresa has been researching the tax laws covering our excess revenue and what tax consequence, if any, it could have on the Society. After research and discussions with other accounting professionals, it is her opinion that we have no tax consequence at this time.

Resolutions (John Capinera for Rita Duncan) - written report on file

Four resolutions will be posted at the registration desk tomorrow.

Membership - no formal report given

Honors and Awards - no formal report given

Fiscal Committee (Rob Meagher) - written report on file

The Fiscal Committee met on April 23 and the financial reports were in good order.

Student Affairs (John Capinera for Gregg Nuessly) - written report on file

Applicants for FES student awards at the 2002 meeting in Clearwater included six for travel grants, four for minigrants, and three for scholarships. Fifteen students registered for the student competition paper section of the program which will be held on two sessions on Monday afternoon. Four travel awards for students who attended the 2001 ESA Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA and who applied for travel grants will also be distributed. Names of student award and paper competition winners will be published in the next society newsletter. An announcement calling for applications for travel grants for the ESA meeting will be published in the next society newsletter.

Newsletter (Lois Wood, Eileen Buss) - written report on file

Annual report - last four issues were September 2001, December 2001 (Vol. 16, Nos. 3 & 4), March 2002 and May 2002 (Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2). The coeditors wish to thank all contributors.

An important concern that was addressed this year was that the logistics of mailing the Newsletter was transferred from the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Science's mailroom to the UF Mail Service. The required U.S. Postal Service paperwork was prepared by Teresa DuChene, and was, fortunately, approved. The billing procedure is more complicated for UF Mail Service, but our mailing costs have not been significantly affected. FES continues to campaign for its members to accept a free electronic copy of the Newsletter, posted on their personal computer, rather than receive a cost-associated paper copy, posted via "snail mail".

A request was submitted for funds to purchase a license for a copy of Adobe TM "PageMaker". This is the computer software package used to construct the Newsletter. It is available on one computer in the UF Entomology and Nematology Department's computer laboratory. Often, this machine is in use, necessitating delays in Newsletter production. We would like to request that a UF software license be purchased at a cost of $103.21. This would allow installation of a copy of "PageMaker" on another departmental computer. The coeditors are grateful that the Executive Committee is considering this proposal.

- Faith Oi - what would be prevented moving the new copy to another machine?

- Lois - request that the new copy be placed on the computer in her laboratory

motion to approve purchase - Howard Frank 1st, Steve Lapointe 2nd, motion approved

unanimously to purchase copy of Adobe TM PageMaker

Education Committee Guidelines (Jeff Shapiro) - written report on file

Dr. Jim Price, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Bradenton, has graciously agreed to succeed me as the Education Chair of the Florida Entomological Society. I have informed Jim of the primary responsibility - coordinating the Insect Encounters Exhibit at the Florida State Fair in February. Of course, I'll be available to provide moral support, and I volunteered to organize the other Education Committee responsibility - judging at the State Science and Engineering Fair for the two recipients of the FES Special Awards.

I've enjoyed the last two years at the State Fair. It's always a lot of fun to see the public enjoying insects. This opportunity is something that ARS scientists usually do not get involved with, but I'm pleased to have had the chance. The Exhibit is always a huge hit at the Fair. My thanks to all of you and your associates and students who contribute to Insect Encounters each year. And thank you Jim, for taking over.

Sustaining Members (Lewis Wright)

No report given.

Caribbean Conference (Howard Frank for Abe White)

Last year and the General Meeting we discussed the possibility of having the Overseas meeting in 2004 at Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. Because of political problems in Venezuela, we have decided not to go there. The new plan is to declare Miami to be and 'overseas city' and to have the meeting there. Miami should attract many overseas visitors. The discussion was positive for having a meeting in Miami.

- Steve Lapointe - what is the possibility of having an Internet-mediated simultaneous meeting with other societies? For example, the Colombian Entomological Society has a meeting in July, and with web broadcasts (webcasts), talks could be heard and questions asked between the meetings. This wouldn't have to include all talks but select sessions. I've done several webcasts recently and they have worked well. University of Florida, Citrus REC and the ARS laboratory at Ft. Pierce are trying to work together with webcasts and have that capability.

- Howard Frank - who are the technicians in charge of putting together webcasts?

- Steve - we are using Indian River Community College; in Colombia, CIAT should have the capabilities

Pioneer Lecture (Norm Leppla)

No report given

Motion to approve the April 23 minutes, Faith Oi 1st, Jeff Shapiro 2nd, approved unanimously

Public Relations (Faith Oi)

Emails were sent to local media about the meeting and/or for featured stories.

- Faith - could the Public Relations committee be combined with the Computer Committee since so much is done on the computer?

- Jeff Shapiro - the committees have separate functions, the computer committee thus far has had to keep the website going

- no other discussion

Membership (Clay Scherer, written report only)

Efforts to increase membership this year have included: standard mail-outs to current members by the society's Business Manager, direct mail to all faculty at the Gainesville campus of UF Entomology/Nematology, and direct mail to all graduate students in the same department. Additionally, several FES members contributed by personally soliciting groups of entomologists within their work place and/or profession. The membership committee would like to recognize and thank FES members David Oi, Faith Oi, and Kim McCanless for their efforts.

As of July 20th the membership numbers for 2002 are as follows (followed by percent change from 2001: Student members 41 (-19%), Full members 308 (-11%), Sustaining members 29 (-6%). These numbers clearly represent a negative trend from last year despite significant efforts by the membership committee. However, like most years, we anticipate an increase in membership during the annual meeting when a considerable number of new members are recruited and current members renew their memberships.

Any suggestions for membership activity from the Executive committee of FES are welcome. We will try and provide an update to the Executive committee during the Annual Meeting but please be aware that the Business Manager can only provide estimates during this time.

New Business

item, no journal requests

- John Capinera - request from one member that at his location, several copies of the journal are send, though he is happy to be a member and pay dues, is there a way to have a check box that says no journal requested?

- Teresa - several members already do this, but adding an area on the membership form is a good idea

- John - this will probably be more common in the future since the journal is so accessible

item, exhibitors

- John - inquiry from an exhibitor that he was not informed about the timing of the meeting; is there a way to provide membership to exhibitors so that they receive Society information?

- Teresa - she has done that before with newsletters but may have missed this year; will do better in the future; there is a need to standardize pricing and extras for exhibitors

- motion for $350 per booth, 3 banquet tickets, additional tickets at cost; Rob Meagher 1st, Richard Mankin 2nd, motion approved unanimously

item, check from printer

- Teresa - received $10,000 from E. O. Painter

item, Long Range Planning and Computer Resources Committees (Richard Mankin)

Discussion about the Journal and abstracting services. It was mentioned that ESA (Entomological Society of America) is involved with BioOne (Entomological Society of America discontinued all its memberships to affiliated organizations except for American Institute of Biological Sciences because of the BioOne benefit); the committee recommends that FES start the process to join BioOne

- is the cost covered by royalties received?

- Richard - we will need to convert HTML to other languages, if E. O. Painter won't convert them than we could use the company that ESA uses

- worst case is cost of $100 per issue, for FES probably lower?

- Howard Frank - approve for one year then see?

- Richard - Tom Walker would need to check when we can end the contract, so need to look at the final contract

- John - Tom will procure the contract

item, site of next meeting

- Howard - meeting back to Marriott Hutchinson Island Resort

- Teresa - management has changed, will need to see if same people are involved and if upgrades, pricing, etc. is the same; will check into

item, published biographies

- Howard - received four publications about entomologists from the four western Canadian provinces, produced by the Entomological Society of Canada about 12 years ago; includes biographies of entomologists, pesticide companies, students, faculty members, federal scientists, etc.; could FES do the same thing? could they be prepared for the website? could Richard post these?; propose prepare as HTML file ready to post

- Richard - that would be ideal, discovered changes from Word to HTML takes time

- John - UF Entomol. & Nematol. Dept. could received Word files and convert HTML or PDF or both

- Howard - have an editorial committee go over manuscripts before conversion

- John - Howard, start looking for volunteers for this committee

- Richard - would be good to have other persons qualified for HTML

- Howard - is there a historical committee or historian? yes, Howard Weems

- Richard - recommend relatively short presentations for the biographies

- John - has asked retiring faculty to write down memories about department and other entomologists; other 'longtimers' could also contribute sections

item, expanding membership

- Lewis Wright - organization has opportunity to solicit new members, especially when people talk to FES members

- John - yes, that is part of my talk tomorrow, Society has evolved to serving professionals, primarily academic entomologists, not commercial or others; there are other societies that may serve your needs, but we need to find a way to serve teachers, pest control industry, butterfly gardeners, etc. to generate a broader base of support; we have a lot to offer

Adjourn 5:15 pm