Florida Entomologist

Note: these are outdated instructions kept here only for archival purposes. Please go to
to view the current instructions

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

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AT LEAST ONE AUTHOR must be a member of the Florida Entomological Society. If you are uncertain about your membership status, contact Business Manager Teresa DuChene, P.O. Box 1007, Lutz, FL 33548-1007, USA; phone: (813) 903-9234, fax: (813) 979-4908, e-mail: flaentsoc@gmail.com

The Florida Entomologist is now supported by AN ONLINE SUBMISSION PLATFORM: http://journals.fcla.edu/flaent/index.

At the bottom of each page in the five-step process, you will be asked to save and continue before moving to the next step. For the online forms, remember that an asterisk (*) denotes a required field.

Formatting Guidelines and Templates:



For your convenience, you may download a Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript:



BEFORE YOU MAKE CORRECTIONS TO THE FINAL PAGE PROOFS OF AN ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT (i.e., a PDF file that the Printer will send to you before publication), please consult these Sample Correction Page Proof Instructions.

Please note the following in preparing the manuscript (refer to the guidelines and templates posted above for more details):

Double-space all text (including tables), except address of corresponding author and financial contact. Use 8.5” ´ 11” format, 1-inch margins. Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt throughout (except for title and 1st-level headings). Submit the signed manuscript submission checklist as a separate file. In your cover letter, suggest 4 potential reviewers who do not have a conflict of interest (i.e., with whom you have not collaborated during the last 5 yr).

ORDER: (i) Title page; (ii) abstract with key words, resumen with palabras clave; (iii) text with introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, and references cited; (iv) tables; (v) figure-caption list; (vi) figures; (vii) author index. Continuous line numbers and page numbers throughout the manuscript beginning on the title page. Insert page breaks before abstract, text, each table, figure-caption list, each figure, and author index.

TITLE PAGE: Line 1: running head (max. 60 characters or spaces; sentence case; capitalize only the first word and scientific or proper names). The running head for scientific notes is “Scientific Notes.” Lines 2ff. (right-justified and single-spaced): name, street address, phone number, and e-mail address of author designated to process revisions and review proofs. Also provide invoice contact information (including e-mail address) for whoever will pay the processing fees for the publication of your manuscript.

Use sentence case for the title; capitalize only the first word and scientific or proper names. Include order and family of key organisms but omit authority for scientific names in the title. Use either the scientific name or the common name approved by the Entomological Society of America (but not both) in the title. Beneath the title, list the authors’ names, then the authors’ affiliations (addresses) with numbered footnotes, and finally indicate the e-mail address of the corresponding author, preceded by “*Corresponding author; e-mail:”

ABSTRACT: Submit an abstract in English and a resumen in Spanish (preferred) or resumo in Portuguese. The editor will obtain a translation if the author cannot; simply insert “Resumen” after the abstract. Include the complete scientific name with the systematic authority, order, and family of all pertinent organisms. Spell out the complete name of scientific authorities except for Linnaeus and Fabricius, which can be abbreviated as L. and F., respectively. Left-justify “Abstract” and do not indent the first line.

KEY WORDS: Place 4-6 key words below the abstract, separated by semicolons. Do not use the same words that appear in the title.

TEXT: Follow a general format of introduction (no heading), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgments. Left-justify these section headings. Indent the first line of each paragraph in the text. Include the systematic authority at first mention of each scientific name, but not afterwards. Use metric measurements; express quantities as Arabic numerals except as the first word of a sentence or to avoid ambiguity.

HEADINGS: Within the Material and Methods, Results, and sometimes Discussion sections, it may be desirable to have subsections. Normally, there are 4 section-heading formats in the Florida Entomologist:

1. First-level headings are bold, 16 pt, and left-justified (e.g., Materials and Methods).

2. Second-level headings are all capitals and left-justified (e.g., EXPERIMENTAL LOCATIONS).

3. Third-level headings have the first letter of major words capitalized and are left-justified (e.g., Spring Sampling Period for Immatures). Do not capitalize first letter of an article, conjunction, preposition, or pronoun.

4. Fourth-level headings are indented and italicized, and followed immediately by the text (e.g., Behavior.).

Leave one blank line above and below heading for heading types 1-3, but not for heading type 4. In taxonomic manuscripts, 2nd-level headings are often taxon names. In this case, use sentence case rather than all capitals, and use all capitals for the 3rd-level heading.

TAXONOMIC MANUSCRIPTS must have an introduction. Taxonomic keys should use one of the following formats: If the key is short (8 couplets or fewer), use the style of Abrantes & Duarte (2013) FE 96(4): 1392-1400 (see page 1399). Note how each part of each couplet is indicated for example as 1.—  and 1'.—. The symbols should be m dashes (not hyphens, not n dashes). If the key is long (9 couplets or more), use the style of Stoetzel & Miller (2001) FE 84(1): 83-98 (see pages 96-97) and Porter & Pesquero (2001) FE 84(4): 691-699 (see pages 696-698). Pictorial keys as in Stoetzel & Miller (2001; see pages 85, 88-90, 92-94) are encouraged. Descriptions of new taxa should contain information that will distinguish them from other related taxa including appropriate amendment of existing keys. Formal descriptions of taxa may be telegraphic; use of gender symbols is acceptable except for headings. Abbreviate collection dates with Roman numerals for months and Arabic numerals for days and years: 30-IV-2012.

CITATIONS IN TEXT: Use the name-date format: Jones (1986); (Jones 1986); Jones & Smith (1986); (Jones & Smith 1986); Jones (2001, 2002); Jones (in press); (Jones AF, Dept. Zoology, Ohio State University, personal communication). Use “et al.” (not italicized) for 3 or more authors. Provide evidence of acceptance for works “in press,” otherwise cite as “unpublished” or “personal communication.” Provide written permission from personal communicants.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Place disclaimers, journal series numbers, funding sources, address changes other than correspondent, etc. here. Left-justify Acknowledgments.

REFERENCES CITED: Left-justify References Cited. Include all source material cited in the manuscript. Provide all information that would allow retrieval of the material. List each reference on its own line with a hanging indent (0.5 inches). Put initials of each author after the surname (family name). Do not use punctuation except for a comma to separate different names. Example: “Jones BJ, Smith CA. 2008.” Use sentence case for titles of journal articles, book chapters, reports, and theses. Capitalize major words in book titles. Spell out journal names.

TABLES AND FIGURES: Submit all figures and photographs as high-resolution .tiff files.   In addition, include a low-resolution copy of each figure in the Figure section of the manuscript (see Formatting Guidelines and Templates posted above)
All figures and tables must be referenced in the text with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Table footnotes are written below the table and indicated with superscript lowercase letters. All captions for figures are listed together on a separate page. All illustrations must be complete and final. Make a composite figure if numerous line drawings or photographs are needed; distinguish among them with lowercase letters, or numbers, preferably using Arial font (or equivalent sans serif font). Do not combine photographs and drawings in the same figure. Examples of figure captions and table titles (note that only “Fig. 1. and “Table 1.” are bold) are:

Fig. 1. The figure caption should fully describe the figure. It is left-justified.

Table 1. The table title should fully describe the table. It is left-justified.

SCIENTIFIC NOTES: Short contributions with a maximum text length of 1,500 words. Only 2 figures or tables or one of each are allowed. Submit a title page and text in logical scientific order without any headings except “Summary,” “Resumen,” and “References Cited.” The summary should be 1 to 3 sentences, abstract-like, and located at the end of the text.

CHARGES: US$93 per printed page (plus sales tax for Florida residents); this fee includes unrestricted electronic Web access. Reprints and color images are available; order forms with the current price schedule are sent with proofs.

ELECTRONIC REPRINTS: Internet publication of all articles is included in the page charges. Persons with access to the Web can read or make e-reprints (equivalent to high-quality photocopies) at any time and without charge.

INFOLINKS: For US$45, a hyperlink will be inserted in the online table of contents that accesses the author’s article (for more information, see http://www.flaentsoc.org/infolink.htm). This allows electronic posting of supplemental material and color images at low cost.

COLOR PUBLICATION: Authors may elect to (1) have printed color images at a cost of US$260 per page, which includes color in the electronic version; (2) have the black-and-white images of the printed document replaced by color for US$60 per image in the electronic version; or (3) add any number of electronic color images and other supplemental materials in a supplementary document via the infolink process for a total of US$45.

LISTING NAMES FOR AUTHOR INDEX: To avoid confusion in preparation of the index, the corresponding author of each manuscript is responsible for providing a separate listing of the names of all co-authors with each surname (family name) first, followed by all other names or initials in the desired order.

ASSISTANCE TO PREPARE MANUSCIPTS: Authors who need editing assistance to prepare manuscripts for publication in Florida Entomologist should hire a professional scientific editing service (several can be found at the following site: http://www.entsoc.org/Pubs/Publish/Submit/editing_services).

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Richard Mankin